Friday, May 17, 2013

English Blog

Growing up, I used to write short stories based off books I had read before. I once wrote a 3 part mini series of short stories called Smelly Socks. I used to write everyday throughout my tweens, and have totaled about 6 different journals. Throughout high school I took AP English courses, frequented the library, and even considered journalism.
Thinking back, I enjoy writing the most when I write just for fun. When it's  mandatory to write for school (e.g. an essay), it's usually a longer process for me.
Although, there have been rare occasions where I brainstorm before writing an essay, and mentally prepare myself for the work that lay ahead.
Its a problem I've been working on.
When I finally get down to business, and am ready to begin, I start most of my assignments with a technique called looping I learned in high school. Basically, you write down whatever words and ideas that come to mind in regards to your topic to help you get an idea of what you want to be said. You go back and circle or loop the words or phrases you want in your essay.

For me, I usually have the hardest time beginning any of my pieces of work. In my opinion, your first paragraph is most important because it's your hook. From there, it's a piece of cake.

When I write, I like to imagine I'm writing to an audience. Even if no one is going to read what I write, it always comes out better. Sometimes I get carried away and think I'm J.K. Rowling or Stephanie Meyers.
When I write, I'm a big fan of sensory details, emotionally appealing to the reader.
 Something I find beneficial to my writing, is reading. Reading anything that interests you, can really help you become a better writer. You learn about whatever you're reading, correct spelling, and fun words like glib.

For me, grammar is very important.I'd like to announce that after 12 levels of education, I still don't know when to use who or whom. Although, I am working on it. Thank God for spell check!

True story^^

Overall, I'd like to believe I am a decent writer. Writing essays aren't exactly my favorite, but I like an occasional challenge. I think writing is simply being creative and expressive and documenting that creativity whether it be for an audience or for yourself.
For me, writing is a process where you're always learning something new.
The End!